Monday, 7 November 2016


Hi! Today I will talk about Election day.
This moment is very important, because people say your opinions and choose a one legal representative for a lot of years, in country and a commune.
But in the present politics and politician are corrupt, because they steal and the system don't change. Then this situations produce discontented and less vote.
In my case I don't vote in the last election, because I don't know who are candidate and I don't participate in any activity in my commune.
But in the last election for president I did vote and in the next election I will vote again.
In general I don't like electoral campaigns, because the politician spend a lot of money in publicity, trip, activities with people and the most important is rubbish after campaigns, because the candidate don't move the publicity (sign with photo) and it stay for months.
In my commune this situation has improve, the last election was appeased and after 30 years was elected a different candidate. But I don't interest, because I spend more time in another commune (before I was study in this distrit), and I'm more involve in this distrit that my commune.
Finally I never would be a politician, because I prefer contribute of another form to the society.

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